
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The one with no regrets

I had a really good friend over this week, she's had some medical issues and had to stay at her parents house so it was helpful to get out of the house!  Jack had a massive crush on her and stared her down the entire day, she was new and exciting and he loved it!  After shopping, we headed back to my house and sat on the patio and drank some oktoberfest beers.  She asked me while we sat there if I wished that we had more time as newlyweds, and to be married without our son.

I didn't know how to answer. 

Was it nice when we could just pick up and go out to dinner? Absolutely!  Did I love when we could decide to do absolutely nothing all day and stay in pajamas?  Sure!  Did I like having sporadic intimate moments and not putting the baby to sleep and RUSHING to be close for as long as he will stay asleep?   Who wouldn't?  (I found out the next day that I also liked being hungover without having to care for a tiny human too!)

But none of that even remotely compares to life now.  Now we can't just rush out to dinner, but we put Jack in his high chair and he watches me cook with this look on his face like I am doing the most amazing thing he has ever seen.  I turn around and kiss his nose and we all laugh. There is never a day we don't do anything... we always have something to do because we have an almost six month old who wants to see and do everything.  We get to watch him see and do everything for the very first time, and it is incredible!  Intimacy isn't sporadic anymore, but it's so much more special.  I've never loved my husband the way I do now.  Seeing him as a father is the most romantic thing he has ever done! We cherish the moments we do get together because they're fewer.

Before I met my husband, I thought I was happy.  I thought that going out with girls, spending massive amounts on cocktails and bar food was the LIFE!  I thought being young, single and traveling was a BLAST! I thought for sure that that was the time in my life I'd look back on and think "Man that was the life."

I was wrong.  This is the life.  This is the life I will look back and remember.  The time I spent as a newlywed picking my babies nose on two hours of sleep and two gallons of caffeine.  That was the best time.


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