
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The one with all the purees

My five month old son is formula fed.  He LOVES to drink his bottle and doesn't miss a drop. He doesn't dribble, he doesn't spit up, the kid is a PROFESSIONAL when it comes to eating.  Level Expert.  At least he was.  Just after four months old the doctor said we could start him on solids.  Another controversial topic, starting solids before six months... I'm just going for them all! Breastfeed, and solids, oh my!  We started with a few bowls of cereal and then gave him some sweet potatoes.  I spent multiple afternoons steaming and blending sweet potatoes, carrots, peas and pears excited to feed him.  He was overwhelmed at first but after a few attempts, he LOVED Sweet Potatoes.  He couldn't get enough.  After a week or two of Sweet Potatoes I made him some avocado, I mashed it and then whipped in some formula with it and if he could speak, I imagine his reaction to this would be like when I get the chocolate peanut butter cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory.  It's the most magical taste in the world!  As the weeks went on we tried bananas, (Constipation city!) prunes (diarrhea city!), pears, peas, peaches carrots, apples and most recently green beans.

Problem 1:  Apples.  He loved the apples.  He'd have kept eating all day if I let him.  Two days later his face broke out in a rash that almost two weeks later has still not improved.  Is it related? I don't know, but I'm terrified to try again.

Problem 2:  Carrots and Green Beans.  Much like my reaction to chocolate peanut butter cheesecake, my child has also inherited my reaction to mushrooms and onions.  It's as if someone is taking a potato masher to my throat if I accidentally eat a mushroom or an onion.  It's offensive to every single one of my senses.  After a few tries, Jack has come around to Carrots if they're warm but I don't think we can even try Green Beans again.  He gagged. Dramatically. He forced himself to throw up.  He took every face and grunt he has learned in the last 24 weeks and made it known.  He was pissed.

Last night I gave him the mesh feeder with real banana in it and he was in heaven, he loved chewing on it and the taste and sucked it bone dry.  It was pretty repulsive as with most things babies do is. 

I think this weekend if my husband is home we may start towards some baby led weaning away from purees. 

Can someone tell this kid to slow down already!?


  1. So, I just want to say I love your humor. :)

    Second, when I was younger I made myself gag so bad with green beans! My parents video recorded it. lol! I think there is something about green beans and babies that make them say noooooo.

    What is this... mesh feeder? Sounds amazing, especially for helping them learn to eat more solid like foods. Even though it was repulsive. ;)
